If you are investing some of your marketing budget on PPC advertising, you’ve undoubtedly heard advice about choosing keywords, how to bid, when to bid, etc. And you may have also heard advice about landing pages. The best and most successful PPC campaigns are those with properly optimized, engaging landing pages that encourage the consumer to take the desired action. Which means you don’t want to point your PPC links at your website’s home page.
The conversion specialists at Invesp put together a great infographic with data from LandingPageOptimization.org that points out 16 easy steps to optimize your PPC landing pages, and tells you the Top 5 Landing Page Mistakes to avoid. This was originally published in 2012, but it is every bit as accurate and relevant today as it was when they first put it together.
Simple and basic, these are critical steps to PPC success:
Infographic by- Invesp