An infographic recently published shows that there are now more web users than ever, and they spend less time and view fewer pages every time they visit a site. This means that understanding how your customers interact with your business online is more important than ever. Running a business is a lot of hard work and there are simply not enough hours in a day to do all you need to do. Below are a few tricks to keep you up to date and aware of what is happening with your business online.
Set Up Google Alerts
Whether you decide to participate or not, people talk about your business online. If you want to be notified whenever someone mentions your company, setting up Google alerts is a great place to start. To get started, all you need to do is to to the page and simply type in a search query such as your business name and schedule how often you want to get notified. Then whenever your search query is mentioned anywhere online, Google will send you an email alert. This is also a great way to stay current on industry news or spy on your competitors.
Automate Reports
Installing an analytics tracking tool is essential to understanding how your customers are behaving and interacting with your website. If you don’t have a tracking tool installed on your website, don’t miss this article for beginners. Oftentimes, analytics gets neglected because it doesn’t seem like a priority or you simply don’t have time for it. Spending some time to create a few essential reports and setting up automated reporting is a perfect reminder to stay up to date with your data. If you’re using Google Analytics, on the reporting page in the top navigation there is an email option. You can customize reports to be delivered to you via email.
Set Up Custom Alerts
Sometimes customers can throw you a curve ball. Activity on the internet can change abruptly. When things go out of trend you want to be notified of the situation immediately. This is the very reason that most analytics tools allow you to set up custom alerts. In Google Analytics, custom alerts can be set up by going to the intelligence events tab on the left navigation and proceeding to the custom alerts tab. You would want to set up custom alerts specific to your business KPI’s so you will be alerted when unusual increases and decreases occur.
The more you know about user behavior on your website, the easier it is to publish content that captures your visitors’ attention and that leads to the actions you want them to take.